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To help simplify the buying of diamond jewelry is the 4 C's. Which are elements that can impact each individual stone's appearance. The 4 C's of diamonds are - cut, color, clarity, & carat weight. Choosing your dream diamond jewelry is an important decision. Discover how to spot the perfect diamond, and what each element of this glittering stone entails.

Table of Contents:

  • What Are the 4 C's of Diamonds?
  • Diamond Cuts
  • Clarity of Diamonds
  • 5 Colors of Diamond
  • Diamond Carat Weights
  • Sparkling Diamond Jewelry for Every Occasion
  • Ethical Diamonds & Responsible Sourcing

What Are the 4 C's of Diamonds?

The 4 C's of diamonds are:

  • Cut
  • Clarity
  • Color
  • Carat

The 4 C's of diamonds are how diamonds are categorized with words that all conveniently begin with the letter C. It is essential to know what to look for when you're considering diamond jewelry, and the 4 C's of diamonds can help! These timeless stones have an alluring sparkle if you get the 4 C's of diamonds right.

Assessing the quality and the features of the stone is made simple through the 4 C's of diamonds guide. Whether you're looking for a new diamond ring to signify a special occasion, or looking to brighten up your favorite party outfit with some more sparkle. Choosing diamond jewelry using the 4 C's of diamonds is a great way to make an informed decision and find the perfect piece.

Diamond Cuts

The diamond cut is the first of the 4 C's of diamonds. While the 'cut' of a diamond is used to mean the shape, it actually refers to how well it has been polished from the raw material. Cut proportions affect a diamond's ability to reflect light and provide brilliance. Meaning, the cut doesn't technically mean the shape. Instead, it means the symmetry, proportioning, and polish of a diamond.

The cut in the 4 C's of diamonds is different from the shape of the stone. A well cut diamond will reflect light back at you; this is called brilliance. The more brilliant a diamond cut is, the more light it reflects. This means the diamond has to be cut in a way to optimally reflect light. If a diamond is cut too deep or too shallow, light will escape through the sides or bottom of the stone.

The facets, or flat surfaces within the diamond, determine how light reacts with the stone. Well cut diamonds in a pair of earrings will reflect the light back at anyone who looks at them, ensuring you're the center of attention.

10 Diamond Shapes

10 common diamond shapes include:

  • Round
  • Princess
  • Cushion
  • Emerald
  • Oval
  • Pear
  • Asscher
  • Kite
  • Marquise
  • Radiant

Although the terms shape and cut are used interchangeably, they are not the same when it comes to this precious gemstone. The shape of a stone is not part of the 4 C's of diamonds. However, many may confuse it with a stone's "cut". An oval shaped diamond could have a shallow cut, but still have an oval shape.

The ten common diamond shapes can be found in different designs of jewelry. It's all about personal preference. Use your newfound knowledge of the 4 C's of diamonds to select the perfect stone for your collection.

Clarity of Diamonds

The next of the 4 C's of diamonds is the clarity of the stone. Diamond clarity refers to the quality of the stone and how clear it is. This means you have to know how diamonds are created. Natural stones are formed over years under huge amounts of pressure. If there are other chemicals present when the diamond forms, small marks called 'inclusions' appear in the stones. Necklaces with diamonds which feature more inclusions will look different to one with high clarity stones. You can try and spot this for yourself now you know the 4 C's of diamonds.

The clarity of the 4 C's of diamonds can vary depending on the stone itself. The higher clarity the stone has, the fewer inclusions it has, and the more clearer it appears. There are 6 categories of inclusions which range from Flawless (FL) all the way to Included (I1, I2, and I3). You may not be able to see these small marks in the stone just with your eyes. In fact, you may need a microscope to see them.

Inclusions in diamonds affect the color and how light responds to the stone. These things aren't necessarily negative. Diamonds with inclusions are often just as striking, and may well be more your personal taste. Accessories such as engagement or promise rings may benefit from a stone with few or no inclusions in order to make the diamond really shine. The second of the 4 C's of diamond - clarity - affects how a diamond looks, and what clarity you want is down to personal preference.

5 Colors of Diamond

The next of the 4 C's of diamonds is diamond color. The diamond colors are graded by other letters. These are:

  • D/E/F = Colorless
  • G/H/I/J = Near colorless
  • K/L/M = Faint coloring
  • N/O/P/Q/R = Very light coloration
  • S/T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z = Light coloration

You may picture a dazzling clear stone when you think of diamond, but in actuality, diamonds can vary in color. Which is why this element is included in the 4 C's of diamonds. Largely the color can be due to the inclusions.

Color, in the 4 C's of diamonds, ranges from completely colorless to a pale yellow. It may be difficult to tell the color of these diamonds, so you may have to compare them side by side. Colorless diamond bracelets may be more valuable than ones with yellow diamonds, because the stones are rarer.

Some colors of diamonds include the H color diamond. This gem can accent every jewelry collection, and make for stunning jewelry pieces. They are generally considered the stepping stone between a colorless diamond and a slightly tinted diamond.

Once again, the color of the 4 C's of diamonds is down to personal preference. There is no right way to choose the 4 C's of diamonds, you can tailor your collection to your individual taste.

Diamond Carat Weights

The final of the 4 C's of diamonds is the diamond carat. Often confused with karat, which refers to the inclusion of gold in an alloy like gold vermeil, a diamond's carat refers to its weight.

Four facts to remember about the 4 C's of diamonds, carat, includes:

  • The higher the carat, the heavier the diamond.
  • One carat refers to one fifth of a gram.
  • Large diamonds are rarer than smaller ones.
  • As the carat weight increases, the value of the diamond increases as well.

However, the increase in value is not proportionate to the size increase. Which is where your knowledge of the 4 C's of diamonds helps. Essentially, this means a smaller diamond of higher clarity and clearer color may be more valuable than a much larger diamond with a lower clarity and a less clear color.

Diamond carats in the 4 C's of diamonds are also subjective. If you prefer a more dainty and minimalistic jewelry style, smaller diamond studs may be more attractive to you. You don't have to have a large diamond to own beautiful diamond jewelry. However, if you are after a statement piece, a larger stone like those featured in diamond cocktail rings may be right up your street. Adorning yourself with sentimental and unique pieces is sure to make you love your collection.

Ultimately, the 4 C's of diamonds are to help you find a quality stone that you love. Style yourself confidently, adhering to your personal taste, and you are sure to feel glamorous and beautiful in all your pieces. Now you understand the 4 C's of diamonds, you can rest assured you know what to look for when choosing your new accessories for your jewelry box.

Sparkling Diamond Jewelry for Every Occasion

Step out in style, reassured with the know-how of the 4 C's of diamonds, and wear your diamond jewelry with confidence. Add some sparkle to your date night with a sparkling pendant featuring a diamond. Perfectly made to hang elegantly from your chain or charm bracelet. A smaller piece is ideal for dressing up a daytime look with glamor, while more statement stacking rings can take your party outfit to the next level.

Give the magical gift of diamonds with diamond gift sets made to make anyone's heart race. Diamonds are a girl's best friend after all. For a sentimental moment to be treasured forever, the 4 C's of diamonds makes a special moment even more special. Gift a diamond alongside a piece of engraved jewelry to take your memorable moment to dazzling new heights.

Ethical Diamonds & Responsible Sourcing

We are committed to providing our customers with ethical diamonds through our elegant pieces of jewelry. Ethical diamonds are stones which are extracted in safe mining conditions, where the miners are treated well. This means fair wages, and uncompromised human rights.

By being members of this institution, we take into account three elements to ensure our gems meet high ethical standards, as well as the 4 C's of diamonds. These three elements are:

  • All suppliers commit to the Kimberley Process, which is a certification to regulate the trade of rough diamonds.
  • We also see that our suppliers follow The World Diamond Council's System of Warranties. Indicating that each stone sold, like our H color diamonds, complies with the minimum requirement of the Kimberly process.
  • Following commitments to both these organizations means our suppliers are all compliant with the United Nations resolutions. The Social Council is just one example of the top voices within the United Nations which gives opinions and expressions towards these decisions.

We ensure we are taking reasonable measures to help prevent the sale of conflict diamonds across the globe. This allows us to know they are from reputable sources. By taking these extra steps, our customers are provided with high quality gemstone in their jewelry. We even include information about the 4 C's of diamonds. Making it possible for everyone to enjoy the beauty of our quality gemstones.

Why Choose Monica Vinader?

We are proud to be a contemporary jewelry brand with a focus on sustainability. We use quality materials, through our ethical stones and recycled metals, to create elegant accessories perfect for every occasion. From glamorous hoop earrings to timeless pearl jewelry.

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